Prodivus reacted to the recognition of Shevchenko as the head of the FBU


Former President of the Boxing Federation of Ukraine Vladimir Prodivus
reacted to the fact that the Ministry of Justice introduced Kirill Shevchenko to the state register as the new head of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Boxing Federation of Ukraine”.

He wrote that he “understands where everything is going.”

“No, I did not give up the post of president of the FBU, but, obviously, the split of the FBU is more profitable for officials and the registrar than the real development of our federation,” Prodivus said.

He stated that he did not agree with the actions of the registrar and “would like to understand on what basis the changes in the registry were made.”

“Lawyers will take care of this,” Prodivus summed up and summed up with the assurance that “I was and remain a patriot of Ukraine.”

Russia needs Ukraine, but without Ukrainians – Wladimir Klitschko

Former head coach of the Ukrainian national boxing team, Sosnovsky, called Prodivus an “impostor” and a “Russian collaborator.” Prodivus answered Sosnovsky, but said nothing about the “traitor” and “collaborator”.

The ex-head of the FBU says that he did not vote for the Russian in the Kremlin’s IBA, but there were no elections either: a circus at the boxing congress.

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