Categories: MMA

Ngannou started a skirmish with a journalist: “If you fought at least once in your life, you would know that there are no easy fights!”

UFC champion Ngannou had a fight with a journalist because of an incorrect question

UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou slammed a media representative for asking Cyril Gan at a press conference ahead of UFC 270.

Turning to Gan, the journalist asked what he thought about Ngannou’s statement from the interview before the fight, in which the Cameroonian allegedly said that the fight with Cyril Gan would be easy compared to the fight against Stipe Miocic. At the moment when Gan began to answer a question in French, Ngannou interrupted the conversation and laid siege to the journalist.

Journalist – Ghana: Francis said in an interview that the fight with Stipe was the hardest, and the fight with you will be quite easy. What do you say about this?

Ngannou: Sorry, where did you read about this? When did I say that the Cyril fight would be easy? Journalist: I didn’t say it would be easy enough.

Ngannou: You said I said so.

Journalist: You said it would be easier.

Ngannou: But he didn’t say it would be easy. Where did you read this?

Journalist: You said that the Miocic fight was the hardest.

Ngannou: Yes, but where did I say that the Cyril fight would be easy? And in general, what fight did I call easy?

Journalist: Well, you answer me. This is your interview…

Ngannou: No, you said that I allegedly said that the fight with Cyril would be easy. I quoted you.

Journalist: Okay, I’ll repeat and rephrase. If you say that the fight with Miocic was the hardest, it means that all other fights are easier.

Ngannou: The heaviest. The heaviest. That is, this fight was harder than others. Understand? Other fights are tough too. Just one of them is the hardest. There are no easy fights, my friend. If you fought at least once in your life, you would know that there are no easy fights! Choose your words better when you ask a question so that you say exactly what you want to say.

The UFC 270 tournament, in the main event of which Ngannou will fight with Gan, will take place on the night of January 23 in Anaheim.



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