Categories: MMA

Shara Bullet promises to avenge Russian men in the UFC

Russian UFC debutant Sharabutdin Magomedov spoke about his intentions going into his fight with Brazilian Bruno Silva, who has early wins over his countrymen Alexander Shlemenko and Artem Frolov to his credit.

“I don’t know how Shlemenko and Frolov look at it, but I’m going to beat him not for revenge, but for the fans who came to the arena to cheer for their own – simple good Russian men who came, worried about their guys, and he came out and disappointed them,” “Shara Bullet” said in an interview with the “The MMA Herald.

“I’m going to get revenge for their sake and give them the right emotions, because I have a lot of support from just simple Russian good men who are rooting for me and writing a lot in the comments. They said that for my sake they are ready to wake up in the morning if I sign in the UFC. Now I’m in the UFC and I’m fighting just the guy who was disappointing them. And like they told me, his nickname is “Blindado,” that translates to “impenetrable.” But I’m “Bullet” and a bullet comes in armor-piercing, which pierces the impenetrable.”

Recall that the Russian-Brazilian confrontation will be part of the UFC 294 tournament, which will take place on October 21 in Abu Dhabi.


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