Categories: MMA

Romano: “Pavlovic will soon dominate the UFC heavyweight division”

The UFC’s No. 2 ranked heavyweight, Sergey Pavlovic, will dominate the division after Jon Jones and Stipe Miocic end their professional careers, according to former UFC heavyweight champion Junior Dos Santos.

“I had the opportunity to train with him and he’s really cool,” MMA Fighting quoted the Brazilian as saying. “A lot of people are just scared of him and he’s going to be a star, he’s going to dominate the division very soon. He’s only getting better. My countryman, Jailton Almeida, is also coming along very well and doing an impressive job, but I’ve had the experience of training personally with Pavlovic, so I know what I’m talking about. He’s very tough.”

“Romani” also shared his opinion on the upcoming title fight between Jon Jones and Stipe Miocic, which could be the last fight of both Americans’ careers.

“If there’s anyone who can challenge Jon Jones right now, it’s Stipe Miocic. I have a lot of respect for Stipe – he’s a great fighter with a good wrestling background. The UFC and Dana made the right choice. It’s a fight that the fans are excited about and I won’t miss it. I think out of all my opponents, Stipe has beaten me the hardest and he is a big threat to Jon Jones. However, Jon Jones is the favorite against anyone – he’s unbelievable and this fight is not to be missed”

As a reminder, the heavyweight title fight between Jon Jones and Stipe Miocic will headline UFC 295 in New York on November 11, and Sergey Pavlovic will insure this confrontation.


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