Categories: MMA

Raufeon Stots reacts to controversial 50-45 scorecard at Bellator 289, wants judge Douglas Crosby banned from his fights

Raufeon Stots does not want Doug Crosby judging any more of his fights after Crosby delivered one of the worst scorecards in recent memory at Bellator 289.

Crosby delivered a 50-45 scorecard in favor of Stots opponent Danny Sabatello — a score that seemed incredibly egregious to anyone who watched the interim bantamweight championship headliner this past Friday. Luckily for Stots, the other two judges saw the fight the way most others did, scoring it 48-47 for Stots as he retained his interim title.

Stots attacked Crosby’s scorecard, and stated that the veteran judge shouldn’t be allowed to oversee any fight he has with Crosby.

” I need to know how the f*** Doug Crosby was removed from my fights. Because I had seen he was banned from Ray Longo’s fights, I want to join that ship,” Stots said on The MMA Hour. I don’t want him anywhere near my [any] cards. That is what I have to do.

“I don’t want him judging anything related to me, any of my friends, none of it. I seen what he did to my friend, my homeboy Jared Gordon, he did that 50-45 to me. Professionally, I’m cool on Doug Crosby. While I wish him a happy life, as far as [related to] anything, I do not want any .”

of his.

With the win, Stots has now been victorious in 11 straight, including a 7-0 run since signing exclusively with Bellator. Although Sabatello did have his moments in wrestling control and wrestling, Stots was the one who caused the most damage during the bout.

Stots was disgusted by Crosby’s scorecard.

“When I heard that s***, I was like The Illuminati — this motherf*****, this whole s*** is rigged,” Stots said. “I was thinking like Black Panther, the man had finally got me. I made it all the way to the top, and the man got me.

” I thought it was outrageous. Then also, I’m thinking in my head, ‘Am I that off?’ 50-45, I didn’t expect that at all. All rationale in my head was like, ‘Did I hit him? Did I control the fight like I thought I did?’ It was just a bunch of doubt and confusion after the 50-45. Even after they were reading the rest of the scorecards, the 50-45 just threw me off.

” I was just like “What’s the f*** going on ?'”


However, this was far from the end for Crosby’s judging scandal. He traveled to Las Vegas for UFC to fight in UFC , including the highly debated victory for Paddy Pimblett against Jared Gordon.

Stots believed that Gordon had won the fight. He also found it strange that Crosby could sit across the nation in the judges’ chair, just one night after giving an awful scorecard.

“Like how?

“Like how? I feel like that’s on Doug Crosby,” Stots explained. “Why the f*** are you [taking that job]? Professional courtesy — it’s different time zones, you’ve got to worry about jet lag, it’s like a three-hour f****** time difference, then you come over [to Las Vegas] and make more bad decisions?

“The thing that gets me, too, is afterward, if this stuff — and I know they’re going to do a review, so shout out to the commission for that — but he just goes on his merry goddamn way and f***** over somebody’s life, and he’ll go do the same thing next week, or whenever the f*** he wants to do it, that’s f****** disgusting, bro. You put ****** in the path of somebody, someone’s livelihood. In my mind — and I don’t know this dude — I feel like he’s thinking, “Ehh! That one was wrong.” Maybe next time I’ll get it right.’ He just, s***, brushes it off of his shoulders and goes on about his day.”



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