Categories: MMA

“Plich-o-plich”: Occupants have found the largest MMA hall in Ukraine

Now yoga is inspired in Transcarpathia

The largest hall of mixed martial arts in Ukraine was in Kharkiv. Under the hour of fighting diy vіn bov vshchent razbity. 5 bombs were dropped on the landing of the occupiers from aircraft. Chastkovo vtsililo less sporting possession. Yogo Bulo was transported to Mukachevo, where the athletes knew the future, created a project and are now engaged in obshtuvannya Center for mixed martial arts. All-Ukrainian information campaign “Plich-o-plich” tells the history of the relocation of the sports center to Transcarpathia.

“We have the largest hall in Ukraine for mixed martial arts MMA near Kharkiv. The choice of Ukraine was prepared there. We played a lot of sports masters and champions of Ukraine. But at the same time, at the hour of Russian aggression, the hall was bombed: 5 bombs from two aircraft. For the support of the head of the Transcarpathian Regional Federation, a hall near Mukachevo is robbing. It was a long way for us to take possession of the lowly hall, but it is planned that the team in Transcarpathia would be strong, ”- rozpovidaє vice-president of the National Federation of mixed martial arts MMA of Ukraine Anton Blank.

At the same time, Anton is engaged in repairing the premises for the Martial Arts Center, as well as conducting classes for children-orphans and children-VPO.

“The process of training is not guilty of stumbling on the hour of war. It is necessary to give hope to athletes, it is necessary to give hope to children in the future. Sport tsyu function vikonuє. Whole region has been worthy of me, people have been worthy of me. More sports region.

To the center of mixed martial arts MMA, I think there are a lot of their stars, their champions. In the next hour, we plan to hold the championship of Ukraine in the mid-grown at Mukachevo. To this we train at once: and mystsev athletes, and migrants. I wonder what is the big future in Ukrainians. And at once light only about us and talk. Therefore, everything can work for our victory, ”- seems sir Anton.

Anton is constantly engaged in volunteering with athletes at the same time. From the warehouse in Uzhgorod, the stench is transferred to the humanitarian aid to Kharkiv. There, at the gyms, there are also warehouses. Call athletes to work on targeted delivery to people who need help.

The social project “Plich-o-plich” tells stories about the supra-national Ukrainians. You can follow the stories of heroes in Facebook.


Tags: MMA

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