Magomedkhan Aratsilov: “Quietly, but Russia is moving towards law and order”

World champion and Olympic medalist in Moscow 1980 in freestyle wrestling Magomedkhan Aratsilov in an interview with SE shared his opinion on the current situation in Dagestan.

“My dream now is that children and grandchildren are normal people. They worked so that they could earn their living, be useful to society and the state, so that they could help people. They, like us, do not particularly want to work. One is studying, graduating from Moscow State University this year, the other is earning money somewhere. The grandchildren are growing up, one – the youngest – was named Ali, in honor of the great Ali Aliyev. Of course, I want them to fight. The grandchildren are doing it, let’s see what happens. I dream that they bring me a gold medal, even though it will lie on my table for a day.

For the soul, for myself, I now have meetings with friends. We meet once a week. We have a lot of conversations, they run into me that I again said something about politics (laughs), performed. Communication is what I have for my soul. If someone has success in business, I rejoice. In sports, success – I rejoice. Progress in society – I rejoice. I think that quietly our country is going for the better. Toward civilization, law and order.”

Aratsilov became world champion in 1978 in Mexico, winning gold in the 82 kg category. Two years later, at the Games in Moscow, the wrestler took silver, losing in the decisive fight of the 5th round to the Bulgarian Ismail Abilov.

