Categories: MMA

Lovelace David Haye was asked for a “threesome”

Former heavyweight champion (over 90.7 kg) Briton David Haye generously handed out
interview in front of the British cabal Eubank Jr. – Smith.

One of the reporters noted the excellent sports form of the ex-champion. As previously reported, David went on a diet, and now teaches this to other people. The journalist also asked Haye to open the veil of his personal life, as his photo with two women and an article in the Daily Star created a lot of noise. Earlier in the British press, it was claimed that David is in a relationship with Saiyan Osborne and Una Healy.

— David, you are in fantastic shape. It looks like you are ready to fight.

— Yes, I feel good. I take care of what I eat in the last two and a half months. I want to show people that if you make a little effort to avoid certain foods, your body can be as good as it gets. I enjoy this process. Being fat, I also enjoyed it. It’s pretty good and easy. You just don’t have any restrictions. You just eat everything: fries, burgers… You just eat everything and your body just collapses. When you have responsibility for what you do, it is very easy to manage fat in the right direction. I’ll show it to some lucky ones. I have 30 people that my team and I work with to make sure they get where they need to go. You just need to monitor what they do every day and teach them what effect different foods have on different parts of the body.

I have a good life. I eat at restaurants twice a day almost every day. I was able to keep 10% body fat without hard training. Everyone is like, “Yes, it’s genetics.” But then why was I fat before? It was because I was eating the wrong food or eating too much of the wrong food.

“I want to talk about this. Everyone is watching social media. I don’t like to talk about personal things, but I’m going to ask you a very simple question. The two women you’ve been with for the holidays… a lot of people are talking about it. It’s a pretty open relationship and that’s what I want you to explain to the fans who are making noise about it. What is going on with you?

I like to keep my personal life private. I let people watch a little something through social media. But what goes on behind closed doors between me and the girls… I really don’t want to expand on that.



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