Categories: MMA

Jake Paul offered a fee dispute – Fury agreed!

Popular American social media star and part-time professional boxer Jake Paul (6-0, 4 KOs) during
press conferences of his fight in Saudi Arabia against Briton Tommy Fury (8-0, 4 KOs) offered a dispute to his opponent.

Paul promised to double Fury’s fee if he won, but if the Briton lost, he would take his due earnings. After some thought, Brother Tommy agreed, shaking hands with his opponent.

— [Джейк Пол] I think we’ll bet. If you win, I will pay you double what I am paying now. But if I win, I take everything I pay you. Do you agree or not? Since you’re so sure.

— [Томми Фьюри улыбается, пьёт воду]

— [Чисора] Agree!

— [Пол] So? Do we make a deal or not?

— [Томми встаёт].

Why did you get up? Answer!

– I just wanted to shake your hand [в зале призывают Фьюри ответить на предложение].

– Answer the question!

— [отец Фьюри обращается к сыну] Your deal is all or nothing.

— [Томми] All or nothing. All or nothing. All or nothing. [идет к Джейку под возгласы зрителей в зале и пожимает Полу руку]. All or nothing. All or nothing! [начинает зарываться к Полу, махать руками, Джейк отвечает]. You are shit right now! Asshole! Bitch! I’ll take you down in the first round!

— [Пол] Let’s put it in the contract. [обращается к залу] Ladies and gentlemen, we have a deal. My lawyers have actually already prepared the contract. Marcus, can you grab him? And you know what’s funny, Tommy? That your father agreed to this before you did. Your father is more confident than you.

[бойцы продолжили обмен малоразборными репликами с комментариями окружающих]

Jake Paul – Tommy Fury: forecast and bets for the fight on February 26


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