Categories: MMA

FBI investigates UFC betting fraud case

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has joined the investigation into the betting case on the duel between Darrick Minner and Nuerdanbek Shailan, which took place on November 5 at the UFC Fight Night 214 tournament in Las Vegas.

Previously, the incident was investigated by the UFC, the Nevada State Athletic Commission and US Integrity, which specializes in detecting fraudulent activities in the field of sports betting, and last week, FBI agents took over the case, who are “gathering information and interviewing people,” according to ESPN.

As you know, the reason for the investigation was the abnormal increase in rates for an early defeat of Minner in the first round, recorded shortly before the fight, who, due to a knee injury, lost the fight by technical knockout in the 67th second. At the same time, Minner himself was fired from the UFC, and the Athletic Commission deprived his trainer James Krause of his license until the end of the investigation.

In addition, the organization has officially notified its fighters that they must refuse to cooperate with Krause if they want to continue to play in the strongest league in the world. According to ESPN, the Nevada State Athletic Commission has temporarily suspended Krause’s ward Jeff Molina, who occupies the thirteenth line in the UFC flyweight division and is “associated with the investigation.”

The essence of the claims against Krause and Minner is that the fighter entered the fight with a serious injury, information about which caused an increase in bets on a certain outcome of the match.

After the investigation began, representatives of the strongest league in the world officially announced that from now on the organization forbids its athletes, relatives and members of their teams from betting on UFC fights.



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