“Beterbiev said it was the toughest fight ever.” Interview with Anthony Yarde


British TV journalist
BT Sports got into the locker room to the former challenger Anthony Yard (23-3, 22 KOs) after an early defeat to the unified light heavyweight champion (up to 79.4 kg) from Canada Artur Beterbiev (19-0, 19 KOs).

Despite the early defeat, Anthony was in a good mood, joking and talking about his feelings after meeting with a formidable puncher. The Briton shared the words of Beterbiev that this was his most difficult fight in his professional career, and answered other questions from the reporter.

Report from vRINGe: Beterbiev Yard. Fireworks in London

“Anthony, my deepest condolences to you. Everyone I’ve talked to today says that your stock is up a lot today and you belong to this company.

– Yes. I am very ambitious. [шутит] I should be just like NWA now. I have stitches, he has stitches. He was in the same room. We did it together [смеётся]. It is what it is. I have the mentality of a winner. I really wanted to win, to bring home the title of unified world champion. But this boxing is the hardest sport in the world. But the lions are still in the camp! Lions in the camp!

“And you have a great team around you, including the old lion. Two out of three judges saw your advantage before that round. I honestly thought you would.

– Me too. At one point I thought I had caught him. Then he cornered me, threw punches, and they were very hard. I said to myself, “Just keep going.” And then – yes, I moved, I moved, I increased the pace, at the same time I used my past experience. And then I hit him and he hit me back [смеётся]. And I’m like, “What?” [смеётся] I started moving and he added. I saw cuts with him where he was catching up with this deep overhand right and he just caught me. I fell. I heard the referee say: “Two, three…”. I remember they told me: “Don’t get up right away.” So I waited and then got up. I wasn’t shocked. But the corner canceled the fight. I’m like, “No!” But again, Tunde, my team, they care about me, they love me. They saw something.

I have this lion-warrior psychology, but I said inside myself, “Well, when I get up, I will go for him. I will give my all. If he catches me, then so be it.” It all went through my head quickly. But once again, the fight has been stopped, I’m here with you now, I’m laughing, so I’m happy.

“I’m lucky.” Press conference of Artur Beterbiev

– I was with you in Chelyabinsk after the fight (with Sergey Kovalev), and you were not at all the same as now. You were very upset, and you were the same after losing to Lyndon Arthur. What’s the difference now?

– The difference is that in Chelyabinsk, in Russia, everything was just different against Kovalev. It is what it is. I have also grown a lot since then.

Sometimes in boxing God gives you these fights. The most difficult battles for the strongest warriors. And I am one of those people. I am strong. In my heart, in my mind, improved my family’s lives, still doing it, still trying. We are better than we were before. I’ll come back!

– one hundred%. I think also everyone who watched the fight in Russia and in America – they said: “This is a fighter!”

– You know what? I am very ambitious. I have a real character. I don’t lie to myself, I don’t hang myself up. I am very ambitious. I did not lie to myself that I knew that I would lose, but I would behave like this. I thought I could win this fight. I shook it several times. I’ve never seen him get whipped by a blow before. I have never seen him shaken before. I saw him fall, but he got up and did his job. But what is, is.

Beterbiev lost to the Yard: notes of the judges at the time of the stoppage of the fight

“I understand that this is no consolation for you. I didn’t hear what he said today, but I’m sure this is the toughest fight he’s had.

“That’s what he told me.

– Did he tell you that?

Yes, he said it. He said it was the toughest fight in the pros. Now is his time, he is too experienced. This is what he told me. As for the future, it’s you.

– Wow.

– But once again, Kovalev also said good things, but I don’t care about that [смеётся]. I speak honestly. And I don’t care about men, I’m worried about what girls say about me [смеётся]. I’m kidding. I’m kidding.

“I will release you to your family and your team, but I just want to say that we are all proud of you. Everyone I spoke to is proud of you and I have no doubt that one day you will be world champion. Just don’t fight in Russia.

— No, even if it is in Russia, I am still studying. I think this performance was better than with Kovalev. Of course, it was a little shorter, this time it was finished with one oh **** good blow. I saw him fly towards me. I tried to leave but it was too late [смеётся]. He is a very good fighter, very difficult. That’s why he knocks out all his opponents.

Source: https://vringe.com/news/162260-samyy-tyazhyelyy-boy-intervyu-yarda.htm?rand=141343
