Categories: MMA

Batka is not easier to beat. Campbell Hatton on 6 round sparring with legendary father

21-year-old British lightweight prospect Campbell Hatton (7-0, 2 KOs) took a short break in his career, as he was simply tired – he had 7 fights in 12 calendar months.

The young man spoke about sparring with his father, British legend Ricky Hatton.
According to Campbell, he did not restrain himself, but he still failed to push his father in the ring: “To be honest, sparring with my father is a bit of a strange experience. Yes, we did it when he was younger. But then he retired, relaxed a bit and let himself go. Now you can see for yourself that he is back in shape. When he offered to spar, I was very pleased – I had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Campbell previously talked about how his father knocked him down, and was like – “just don’t tell your mother!” This time, the small one, apparently, decided to “take revenge.” From the prospect’s story: “I didn’t expect him to be in such great shape. I understood that fighting brains would not go anywhere, that in experience he would outplay me somewhere. But I could not imagine that he would give me a solid 6 rounds. And this despite the fact that I did not hold back, I worked to the fullest, I wanted to push him into the ring. But he calmly responded with blows for blows, he was just in incredible shape.

Tomorrow Campbell will fight against an experienced 39-year-old traveler
Michal Dufek (34-23-2, 22 KOs) from the Czech Republic.

A little earlier, an impossibly shrinking Hatton showed off a new girlfriend: a photo from the pub, of course.

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