Categories: MMA

Andre Ward: “I am most proud of the victory over Kovalev”

The former world champion in two categories and the leader of the “pound”, who ended his career undefeated American Andre Ward answered questions about the most memorable and iconic moments in his career.

“For me, winning my first world title has always been and will always be my most memorable achievement,” says Ward, who first became a pro champion in November 2009 when he took the WBA super middleweight title from Mikkel Kessler. “Then I proved that I am not just a gold medalist (OI), but also able to compete at the highest level, like a pro.”

Who will come to us with a sword … – a report on the Ward-Kessler fight.

At the same time, Andre considers his best fight to be a rematch against the Russian Sergey Kovalev in June 2017, which ended with his early victory in the eighth round. Ward never entered the ring again.

Recall that Andre also completed their first fight in November 2016 in his favor, but on points, while being knocked down at the start.

“As for my most perfect performance, it was the second fight against Kovalev. And the first fight with him is the one that I’m probably most proud of, ”Andre admitted. – I then had to do it differently, rising from the canvas. And I showed that I was not the first of the contenders, but I did what champions do – I got up and took care of my job.

On a titan character – a report on the battle of Ward-Kovalev I

White starts and loses — report about the battle Ward-Kovalev II

K.O. Artist Sports


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