“Usyk showed me another level.” Interview Anthony Joshua


The former holder of three titles in the heavyweight division (over 90.7 kg) Briton Anthony Joshua (24-3, 22 KOs) gave
interview for local media after a press conference dedicated to the duel between Joshua and American Jermaine Franklin (21-1, 14 KOs), which is scheduled for April 1 in Britain.

Anthony spoke about the future fight, commented on the work with the new coach from the USA Derrick James, spoke about the lost fights against the unified champion from Ukraine Oleksandr Usyk (20-0, 13 KOs), and also spoke about his favorite fighters.

– You have an American opponent. Right handed, not left handed. How do you like it?

I sparred this week and I’m like, “Damn, that’s a lot easier.” [смеётся]. Honestly, jokes aside, it’s much easier. But I will not say that the fight will be easy.

– How did you see the Franklin vs White fight? Many people saw him close, many people saw Franklin’s advantage.

– Good fight. I don’t count. I have no interest in this – who won and who did not. I just know that I will fight one of them. So I just watch them fight and stuff like that.

Franklin’s promoter stated, “My fighter did what Joshua couldn’t.” Then he had to explain

– You have a new coach Derrick James – Coach of the Year. He works with Spence, Charlo, Martin. Now he works with Anthony Joshua. Why Derrick James?

— [задумался] He has a good approach, method. I don’t want to pressure Derrick James because he can’t create me. I have to do it myself. He can only instill and tell me certain things, but to do it is up to me. But I like the way he tells me about certain things. I actually do what he says. I think if I can trust his voice and trust what he says, I’m sure I can be successful.

– The last time I talked to you was in Saudi Arabia after the fight with Oleksandr Usyk. What are your memories of meetings with Usyk? Have you reviewed your performances?

Yes, the first one was bad. The second was a little better, but not good enough. And it just showed me that there is another level to climb. Which will be difficult.

– What are you not happy about?

– In what sense?

– In terms of your performance.

“I think I lost in those late rounds. In the last two or three rounds, I missed the victory. This is my opinion, I was beat the best. He is a really talented fighter, a really good one.

– Do you potentially see that maybe someday in the future you will have a third fight with Oleksandr Usyk?

– Ask him. He knows what I’ll say. He knows [смеётся]. You need to see him. I don’t know what his plans are now. I think he has more important things to do at the moment.

Joshua said what motivates him is prosaic

– How do you see the order in the division now? You see on the top Oleksandr Usyk or Tyson Fury? Do you still see yourself there?

“I don’t worry about it. Honestly, with all due respect, you’re just fighting. It is what it is. Because when all is said and done, so be it. Everyone will be the same. So why should I worry about who’s first, second, third, fourth, fifth? I have to worry about how to beat Jermain. That’s what’s important. Champions are always the highest level. The rest follow them.

– Have you thought about ending your career after the rematch with Usyk?

– No no no. One thing I remember is when I said, “Fight for your life.” This is an aspiration that I support. Not now.

Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Usyk, who will win?

– Good luck to both of them. I don’t want to talk because it seems to me that my opinion is not appropriate.

— I would not say that your opinion is inappropriate. You fought Usyk twice.

— I respect both of them for their skill in the ring. I wish them both all the best.

Source: https://vringe.com/news/162615-usik-pokazal-uroven-intervyu-dzhoshua.htm?rand=141343
