Tyson and ‘Holyfield ears’ take a break – Judah offers ‘safe sex for champions’


The conqueror of two weight divisions and the former absolute world champion American Zab Judah followed the example of no less iconic compatriot Mike Tyson and went into business.

No, he doesn’t sell medical cannabis or even Evander Holyfield bitten-off ear jelly like Iron Mike does. But Judah offers an equally important product: condoms.

“The absolute champion in the world of pleasure,” reads the box of rubber products, which is decorated with a painted face of the champion with his belts. And Judah himself advertises a product with an impeccably beautiful slogan: “Safe sex for champions.”

And check out this cute hashtag: #FukLikeAChamp. Tyson and Holyfield’s ears are resting.

Safe Sex For Champs!!! #TeamJudah #FukLikeAChamp pic.twitter.com/1eHHF7d75j

– ZAB JUDAH 6x Champ! (@SUPERJUDAH) January 5, 2023

Kazakhstani boxer
Dimash Niyazov commented on the ad from Judah, remembering the traditional boxing instructions from the referee: “Protect yourself at all times.”
