The match between Alex Pereira and Jamal Hill was arranged at the last minute.

The match between Alex Pereira and Jamal Hill was arranged at the last minute

The bantamweight title fight between Alex Pereira and Jamal Hill was arranged one day before the head of the world’s strongest league, Dana White, officially announced it as the main event of the UFC’s 300th anniversary tournament.

“Everybody wanted to be in the UFC 300 tournament, but it wasn’t on my radar until yesterday,” Hill said in an interview with Aaron Bronsteter shortly after the fight was officially announced. “I’m not going to lie. They called me and described the situation and the situation was that they wanted a main event fight. They had some plans, but ultimately they decided it was going to be me and Alex.”

The former champion’s version of the story is also confirmed by the current UFC titleholder.

“We were negotiating to have this fight in Brazil, but then they came up with the idea of moving it and doing it a little earlier, at UFC 300,” the Brazilian said in a video posted on his Youtube channel.

The day before, Alex Pereira said he would be ready to headline UFC 301 in Rio de Janeiro on May 4 if he defeats Jamal Hill on April 13 at UFC 300 in Las Vegas and emerges unscathed.
