The giant from the hall of Fedor called the reason for leaving the club Fedor Team

The giant from the hall of Fedor called the reason for leaving the club Fedor Team

Former AMC Fight Nights heavyweight champion, Grigory Ponomarev, known as “The Giant from Fedor’s Hall”, commented on his breakup with the Fedor Team, from which he left for the Strela club.

“It was a breath of freedom,” the fighter said in an interview with the channel “Ushatayka”. “I don’t speak badly about anyone, but I recently watched an interview with Vadim Nemkov, and there was a phrase that ‘Grisha is so loud, not for their club’ – maybe this is true. Maybe this internal component I’m a little not for their club “

“All the same, in interviews they are more fans of being modest – in battle, they are generally all animals. And somewhere I like to talk a little, somewhere to express something, somewhere to swear. This is unacceptable for their upbringing. And the club “Strela” is a team, there are people from pop-MMA, from the fists, from the UFC, from everywhere. You cook in this and become more liberated in this regard “

Last week, there was information that Grigory Ponomarev vacated the AMC Fight Nights championship belt and moved to the ACA league, where on July 21 at the ACA 160 tournament in Sochi he will meet with the second number of the heavy division of the organization Muhumat Vakhaev.
