Matt Brown: Dana White owned up to his actions but Ari Emanuel and Endeavor are ‘f****** up’ by staying silent


If silence is complicity, then the companies employing or doing business with Dana White might have some explaining to do.

In the aftermath of the viral video showing the UFC President slapping his wife in an argument, White repeatedly addressed the matter while insisting that no one should defend him. He added that he’s come to accept that his actions that night will follow him like a dark cloud hanging overhead for the rest of his life.

Meanwhile, Endeavor — the parent company to the UFC — hasn’t punished White for his actions much less made any kind of formal statement on the matter. Endeavor and Ari Emanuel (the company’s CEO) have repeatedly declined to comment on the matter since Jan. 1st when White was filmed slapping his wife. 2.

UFC welterweight Matt Brown absolutely condemns White for striking his wife but says he’s at least trying to take responsibility for his actions but Endeavor’s silence is only making the publicly traded company look worse with each passing day.

” The whole issue here in my opinion Endeavor. They’re the ones f ****** here staying silent,” Brown stated on The Fighter. The Writer. They have not done or said nothing. Shame on them. I think that’s what it comes down to.

“It’s weak. As a company, it’s very fragile. This is where Ari [Emanuel], seems to be the leader. [He’s] in charge. These are some of the tasks you must do to lead a company. You have to take these difficult decisions. A statement .”

is enough.

Endeavor has been derided for not offering any kind of response while the UFC’s broadcast partner at ESPN had done the same, although the story involving White has been covered on the network.

While White insists that no one should defend himself, Brown is unable to understand why these businesses refuse to make any public statements to condemn domestic violence.

” We all know that what he did was wrong,” Brown stated about White. He said that there was no reason for his actions and that he had made it clear. Everybody can stop making f******* excuses for him. But at a time like this, you kind of weed out the weak from strong. Dana came out strong. He faced up to it straight away, he did a press conference, put it out there, said what he said, didn’t defend himself.

“Ari and Endeavor are the ones that come out weakest, according to me. They don’t have the integrity or the moral sort of whatever it is to come out and just condemn it and figure something out from it.”

As far as any potential punishment, White scoffed at the idea that he would suffer from any forced absence from the UFC but as the president of the company, it’s not really his place to issue any sort of discipline against himself.

For his part, Brown tends to side with White about facing repercussions but that doesn’t mean that Endeavor should essentially absolve him by not saying anything regarding his actions.

“Dana was clearly the man who emerged the most honorable and respectful from this, despite the fact that he committed the crime. I don’t believe there is a dispute about this. He stood tall and stated, “I did it. Don’t defend my actions, I’m entitled to whatever I get.” That was an honorable act. The weak people were the ones over top of him that had things they could do and didn’t do anything.

“I’m wondering what these meetings are looking like when they’re talking about it with the board [of directors] or different people involved and they’re saying ‘let’s just stay silent.’ Like how does a meeting end with that versus there’s something we have to do. Again, I just say shame on them. That’s what it comes down to, it’s just a very, very weak position that they’re taking.”

