“I’m just a nigga to them.” Mike Tyson furious: his life story was stolen


Mike Tyson, an 8-episode biography series about the life and career of legendary American heavyweight contender Mike Tyson, is scheduled to premiere on Hulu streaming on August 25. And the boxer is furious.

“Iron” Mike informed the public that the film was shot without his participation and consent, his friends were deceived, and he himself did not receive a penny from streaming.

“Don’t let Hulu fool you. I don’t support their story about my life. It’s not 1822 now. It’s 2022 now,” Tyson recalls. “They stole my life story and didn’t pay me. To them, I’m just a nigga they can auction off.”

“Hulu was desperate to pay my brother (UFC President) Dana White millions without offering me a dollar to promote their slave story about my life,” continues Mike. – He refused, because he values ​​​​friendship and treats people with dignity. I will never forget what he did for me, just as I will never forget what Hulu stole from me.”

“Hulu stole my story. They are Goliath and I am David. Heads will roll for this,” the legendary boxer portends. Hulu is the streaming version of slavery. They stole my story and didn’t pay me. Hulu’s model for stealing celebrity rights is blatantly greedy. Someone from Hulu should be fired. The producers lied to my friends saying that I supported an unauthorized series about my life.”

Recently it became known that the UFC champion offered peak Mike Tyson to fight “without rules”. He at first refused, but then gave the go-ahead.

  • Do you know what problem 14-year-old Mike Tyson had? Curator’s memories

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