“I lay there and thought: now I’m going to die.” Fury on suicidal thoughts after Klitschko win


The WBC world champion in the heavyweight division (over 101.6 kg) Briton Tyson Fury (32-0-1, 23 KOs) gave a huge
interview for the High Performance YouTube channel.

During the conversation, the heavyweight champion told what kind of psychological difficulties he faces even now, during the most successful stage of his professional career. According to the Brit, his mental problems hit him hard after defeating the long-playing hegemon of the division Ukrainian Wladimir Klitschko, who at that time owned three major titles in the absolute weight category.

– I always have big failures, big depressions and anxiety after these big fights.

– Even now?

Yes, even now. After the fight at Wembley against Whyte. Obviously, much higher there, but for me there is nowhere lower. But over time, I figured out how to deal with it. Now I know what it will be after these big fights. I will be broken. Most of the time I have suicidal thoughts. It’s kind of crazy to sit here and admit it today. After these big fights and big success, I’m like a real suicidal for a few days.

— What do you mean by that? How serious are these thoughts?

“I just want to die and that sort of thing. But now I know from experience that it will pass in a few days, in a week. I always say to Paris (Fury) after these fights – just give me a little more space, try not to give me too many tasks, I will be back to normal in a week.


– The goal that I had since childhood was unattainable. By setting myself such an unattainable goal, I gave myself focus despite the challenges I faced daily. My goal has always been to become the heavyweight champion of the world. 7 billion people in the world and you are a newborn baby. What are the chances of becoming one? It’s an impossible dream. Take a newborn today and tell him that no matter what, he will become the heavyweight champion of the world. It’s very unlikely, it’s an unattainable dream. I set myself this dream and focused heavily on it. I didn’t allow myself to be distracted by mental health issues along the way because I always had Klitschko in my head. From the age of 14 – Klitschko. He was the heavyweight champion. I always watched it on TV and my plan was always to beat Wladimir. I always thought that whoever beats Vladimir will become a legend in this sport.

– Did you have plans for what will happen after you beat Klitschko?

— No, because it was Everest. I remember just laying there thinking, “I hope this isn’t a dream. Please don’t wake up.” I just lay. My eyes were open. I couldn’t sleep. I just thought, “If I die right now, I’ve done everything.” I was very happy with what I did. I thought I had no more goals in my life.

I just thought – I’m going to die now and that’s it. I’m happy. I have reached my life goal and now I will die. That’s all. I was 27. I had everything possible. I had a family, I had achievements, I had money, I had fame, I had everything. But 16 months have passed since that moment and not a day has passed that I did not wish myself to die. I even asked God to kill me. I am a religious person who fears God, I always have been and always will be. I prayed and asked – why did I wake up today?

Fury also took a ride on Usyk: “Zero charisma, zero personality – zero respect.”

Source: https://vringe.com/news/160297-ya-umru-fyuri-o-suitsidalnykh-myslyakh-posle-pobedy-nad-klichko-.htm?rand=141343
