“He seemed to be drinking a lot.” Presnyakov commented on the fight with Panin

Nikita Presnyakov commented on the fight with Alexei Panin

Musician Nikita Presnyakov after defeating actor Alexei Panin in a boxing match promotion “Our Business” commented on the results of the fight.

“Loved this experience. But I didn’t expect it to be so easy. I was preparing for some kind of fight, given that this is my first experience. Directly prepared to show all his maximum. I did not sleep, I thought what I would do. Acting Panin? He has something with his face, as if he was drinking heavily. I don’t think he fell on purpose, he’s not *******, ”Presnyakov said after the fight.

30-year-old Presnyakov knocked out 44-year-old Panin in the second round of the fight.

You can watch the full video of the fight between Panin and Presnyakov on the Rutube channel “Our Business”.
