Dana White revealed his physical transformation

UFC CEO, Dana White, who has shrunk considerably in size over the past few years, has clearly shown his physical transformation.

“On the left March 17, 2017, on the right September 18, 2023. Damn crazy!”, – wrote the head of the strongest league in the world in the social network, publishing the corresponding photo.

Earlier, the 54-year-old American said that he completely changed his lifestyle after he visited the appointment with the so-called “mortality specialist”, which determines the length of the remaining life by blood and DNA analysis.

In addition, White actively promoted complex products for cleansing the body of toxins, which, according to him, helped him to achieve such impressive results.

Judging by the posted photo, Dana White is indeed in excellent physical shape, which is more likely to indicate the use of popular in the West testosterone-replacement therapy, rather than the use of dubious nutritional supplements.
