“As far as I understand, Alexander burned the bridges with Dagestan.” Mineev – about the sensational interview with Emelianenko

Mineev spoke about the sensational interview with Alexander Emelianenko

AMC Fight Nights champion Vladimir Mineev said that he did not see the sports component in the fight according to the rules of boxing with Alexander Emelianenko, and also shared his opinion about Emelianenko’s sensational interview with Azamat Bostanov.

“I don’t see the sports component in the fight with Alexander Emelianenko yet,” Mineev told reporters, including SE, after a seminar at the Datsiev Club in Saratov. “First of all, it seems to me that he needs to improve his health – which is what I wish him.”

“Do I think that his career is generally over? It depends what you call a career,” he continued. Does he do fights? We are not talking about the result, but he has them. So he’s interesting. So the career lives on. In what capacity – this is the second.

Emelianenko has been saying for a year and a half that he signed a contract to fight Mineev in the spring of 2020.

“You remember one part, but forget about the other – that after he signed the contract, he disappeared for a year, and then, when he got out of this state, he decided that everything remained in its place, but everything had long been moved forward,” said the AMC Fight Nights champion. – I have great respect for Emelianenko – I have a normal attitude towards my family and personally to Alexander. I always wish him the very best. May he recover and return. He needs big fights. I would not want him to end his sports career in such a state.

“How can Emelianenko rehabilitate his career? Will Dagestan or training with Jeff Monson help? Alexander probably has his own team, with which he builds his way in professional sports. How can he rehabilitate his career… I didn’t even think about it. I think about my career,” said Mineev.

Last week, in an interview with his manager Azamat Bostanov, Emelianenko called Huseynov a Dagestan pig, specifying a few days later that this phrase was addressed exclusively to a fighter.

“As for Dagestan, in my opinion, in his last interview, he burned all the bridges, as far as I understand, with Dagestan,” Mineev expressed his opinion. –Alexander said that everything was addressed specifically to Artur Huseynov? You dedicate me to such details, but I saw the negative from many representatives of the republic [Дагестан] to his address. Probably, what he said there did not affect the already established opinion.

