Ilir Latifi suspended 3 months for failing to disclose staph infection in most recent UFC fight After Ilir Latifi, heavyweight UFC heavyweight, failed to declare an infective illness prior to his last bout, the Nevada State Athletic Commission has suspended him for three months.

The suspension was handed down during a monthly meeting on Wednesday.

Latiifi will be eligible to compete again after Jan. 1, 2023 once he completes the suspension and pays $407. 50 to pay legal fees. Before he can fight again in Nevada, he will need to pass a medical exam.

Latifi, following his victory over Aleksei Olenik in October revealed that he had actually been suffering from a staph infection. This information was not disclosed in his pre-fight medical documentation.

“Even this week you see my leg is all swollen, I didn’t even tell my coaches but I’ve got a staph infection two days ago,” Latifi said at UFC Vegas 61. As you can see, my leg has become very swollen. It’s an amazing sport but the margins are so small. You put in so much work and this thing happens the last day.

“Today when I woke up, my leg was swollen and I was like I can’t cancel again so I had to fight like this with a fever and a staph infection but that’s part of being a fighter.”

Staph infections, which are caused by staphylococcus bacteria, can cause serious medical issues and even death if not treated properly. A staph infection can also be transmitted through person-to-person contact, which obviously puts other athletes in harm’s way due to exposure.

The commission added that this particular decision would be setting a new precedent for athletes who don’t disclose injuries or illnesses ahead of scheduled bouts and “suspensions may be increased and fines may be increased depending on the situation.”

Jeff Mullen, executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission noted that any injuries or illnesses reported on pre-fight medical forms will remain confidential and would not be published.

