Andy Ruiz Jr. vs. Luis Ortiz full fight video highlights


Watch Andy Ruiz Jr. vs. Luis Ortiz full fight video highlights from their heavyweight bout, courtesy of multiple outlets.

Ruiz Jr. vs. Ortiz took place May 7 at the Arena in Los Angles, Calif. Andy Ruiz Jr. (35-2) and Luis Ortiz (33-3, 2 no-contests) collided in the main event. The fight aired live on FOX pay-per-view.

Andy Ruiz Jr. won the fight against Luis Ortiz via unanimous decision (113-112, 114-111, and 114-111).

Catch more video highlights below.

For more on Ruiz vs. Ortiz, check out the live blog from Bad Left Hook.

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 1

Ruiz with a little body shot, he looks like he wants to use his speed, and that’s obviously the right idea. It should be an advantage. But Ruiz also looks a little tentative, feeling the southpaw Ortiz out. Ortiz poking his jab out. Brian Kenny notes Ruiz has never faced a southpaw as in the pros before. Ruiz driven back on a left hand late in the round from Ortiz, clear best punch of the round.

Ortiz 10-9

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 2

Ruiz trying to step in, Ortiz trying to time him. Heads could clash there as they do that. Almost inevitable. DOWN GOES ORTIZ ON A QUICK SHOT FROM RUIZ! THAT’S THE HAND SPEED! Ortiz is not on good legs. He’s ruled down a second time just after! He’s STILL wobbly. We may be headed for an early night here. Ruiz smells the blood in the water and he’s going after him! Left hand back from Ortiz as Ruiz gets too aggressive! Another left clips Ruiz, not flush. The big lads are throwing the big shots. Right hand from Ruiz connects, more slapping than before. Ortiz still not fully back but avoiding shots. Ruiz right hand, left hand back from Ortiz! LET’S GO, BABY! THE BIG GUYS!

Ruiz 10-7, 19-17

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 3

Ortiz trying to stay center ring, invite Ruiz in to time him. Ruiz has been smart about taking that bait; he’s taking it, but trying to avoid the worst that can come of it, and so far doing a good job. Pace has slowed, Ortiz staying cocked to the side, Ruiz not rushing in at him. Trying to find the time to go in, and then shoots in with a right just as I say that. Ortiz clearly a little uncomfortable with how quickly Ruiz can strike. And there’s not a lot he can do about it but try to tactically make Ruiz hesitant to come in at all. Some mouses (mice?) forming under the eyes of Ruiz, too. Worth noting.

Ruiz 10-9, 29-26

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 4

Ruiz still more cautious. I think it’s smart, but it’s giving Ortiz the chance to win rounds on jabs when he throws them. He might have gotten the third with that, and he lands a couple good ones here. Ortiz’s legs have steadied. He feints with a left, and Ruiz bites big, but Ortiz not quick enough to make him pay, either. Right to the body from Ruiz. Ortiz shoots one to the body, doesn’t get there. One to the head a bit short, too. But he’s controlling the distance right now, and some judges will take that alone in a mostly uneventful round.

Ortiz 10-9, Ruiz 38-36

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 5

This has slowed considerably after both tasted the power of the other in the second round. Ruiz trying to pick it up just a hair, but doesn’t land on a little half-rush and doesn’t press it more, doesn’t want to get reckless. Ruiz pressuring more this round, it’s not great “pressure” with a lot of punches, but he’s not SO tenatively staying at range the way he was the last couple rounds. Crowd starting to get a little impatient. Ruiz lands, and Ortiz fires back with a nice little combination. Worth noting that when Ruiz is circling, he’s almost always moving the “wrong” way, by the book, into the power left hand of Ortiz.

Ortiz 10-9, Ruiz 47-46

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 6

Being honest, we had a good second round and the rest of this has been pretty damn slow. Both know a mistake can end this, and they’re very cautious about risking it. Left hand from Ortiz as he walks Ruiz to the corner, but Andy gets away enough and lands a cuffing right. Ortiz closing the gap now, which could work for Ruiz IF Ruiz can keep himself from getting cornered. Body shot from Ruiz. Crowd audibly booing now, in larger numbers. It is what it is. Ortiz with a left. Ruiz shoots a right, again it’s more cuffing than clean.

Ortiz 10-9, 56-56

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 7

FOX’s Larry Hazzard has Ruiz up 57-55, which is a fair score, too.

The southpaw stance is giving Ruiz some problems, also just that he knows Ortiz can crack. Ruiz with a couple right hands, he’s a bit more active this round, but Ortiz is poking that jab out and it is working. Right hand from Ruiz backs Ortiz down! Ruiz now feeling it a bit, DOWN GOES ORTIZ AS RUIZ OPENS UP OFFENSIVELY! Ortiz gets out of the round and even throws a shot back late, but when Ruiz finds the openings, he strikes so quickly on the old man.

Ruiz 10-8, 66-64

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 8

They exchange a bit about a minute in, Ruiz gets the slight better of it and Ortiz can’t answer back quickly enough before Ruiz gets into space again. Right to the body from Ruiz. He’s poking his own jab out there now. Ortiz jabbing, one at a time. Ruiz with a right to the body. He goes for it up top, Ortiz gets away.

Ruiz 10-9, 76-73

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 9

Ruiz trying to start fast, lands a couple. Ortiz clips him and Ruiz goes down, but not a knockdown. May have been more a forearm pushing him down. Ruiz still trying to land those springing shots. Ortiz could have won the last round and could be winning this one, maybe. Ruiz not stamping it enough, even if I thought he won the last and may be winning this one. Ortiz now landing some good shots late in the round, trying to put his own mark on this round, and it’s there to be marked. Ortiz snaps a sharp jab in before the bell.

Ortiz 10-9, Ruiz 85-83

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 10

LennOx asked his thoughts and he forgets to sell a fight that’s already sold or not: “One guy’s old and one guy’s overweight.” Ortiz’s jabs may be winning another round. They’re not magnificent but they’re getting there and Ruiz is not doing enough. Being honest, again, this has not been a good fight. It has had highlights and around them, it’s been really slow and dull.

Ortiz 10-9, Ruiz 94-93

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 11

What I was saying got wiped mid-round, but the story of the round, in short: Ruiz landed maybe his best right hand of the fight, Ortiz took it but was hurt, Ruiz landed a few more good shots, Ortiz’s left eye is not looking good but it’s too late to stop it on that alone, probably. Clear Ruiz round.

Ruiz 10-9, 104-102

RUIZ vs ORTIZ: Round 12

Ortiz trying to get after it, but may be too late. Never too late to get a KO until the final bell sounds, though. And he’s putting what he’s got left in, and Ruiz is — perhaps wisely — trying to stay the hell away. Uppercut from Ortiz, not a lot of mustard on it anymore. Left hand landing from Ortiz, he’s going for it. And Ruiz, again, smartly, is trying to stay out of there. Ruiz with a right, not flush, but now he’s trying to show JUST enough to keep Ortiz from going for broke. A minute left. Ortiz left not quite there. Ortiz with a good left. 20 seconds to go. Right hand from Ruiz. They’re tying up. We’ll see the final bell. Both take a last shot.

Ortiz 10-9, Ruiz 113-112
